
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Recovery Process

Today was a decent day overall.  Peyton still has some swelling in her eye and sometimes complains of it hurting.  Her medications seem to help some, and we have been trying to ice it down.  She is starting to get used to wearing her glasses, but this seems like it could become quite the process.  Grandma and Grandpa came over to spend some time with her today, and she was very happy to see them!  No word yet from Wills Eye Institute on her next appointments.

Mom and Dad went back to work today and it was extremely hard for both of us.  Neither of us want to leave her for any length of time at all.

Also, we have set up a fund at Cessna Employees Credit Union in Wichita, KS, under the name of Peyton Adams.  Thank you all for your continued support!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Home Sweet Home

We finally made it home!  Peyton's left eye is swollen and red, but she seems to be dealing with it rather well.  It is quite the adventure applying the eye drops and creme.  Peyton's leg also has a big bruise from the cathedar. Overall, she is recovering slowly, but we do see some good signs.  Peyton is a tough kid and she will beat this horrible disease!

Also, Thanks again to all those who continue to support us.  Angie's parents were with us every step of the way and we couldn't have done this without them.  Rich's parents/family joined us in Philadelphia for a few days and also provided some much needed support.  We have sooo many wonderful friends and we are blessed to know all of you.

*** I would also like to share two uplifting things that occurred in Philadelphia that we all thought were kind of neat.

#1- Peyton received an autographed photo from the boxer, Smokin Joe Frazier.  He is praying for Peyton as well, and wrote some kind wishes on Peyton's autographed photo.

#2- Peyton's name was announced over the intercom on one of our flights.  She was announced as a very special passenger, and she got to sit in the cockpit after we landed.  The pilots thought she was hilarious.  

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day/Evening After Treatment

Peyton is having a rough day.  Her eye and stomach have both been bothering her today.  We applied some creme and drops to her eye, and she seems to be a little more comfortable.  However, she is having trouble keeping anything down.  We have spoken to the doctor, and may have to take her to the E.R. tonight so she does not become completely dehydrated.  Keep your fingers crossed that we can get her comfortable and avoid another trip to the hosptial.

The outpour of support from all of our family and friends has been amazing.  During these tough times, you find out who your true friends really are.  We have many more friends than we even thought and we are so happy to be involved with each and every one of you.  Your prayers and support have really helped us and we would really appreciate it if you could keep them coming.  I know we've asked alot of you guys, but we need all the emotional and spiritual support we can get.

With love,

The Adams Family

Update after treatment

Peyton had a pretty good day yesterday and even felt like taking a trip to the zoo. She had a great time, but came back very tired.  Late last night she began vomitting and kept saying the her tummy hurt.  Finally, this morning she was able to keep down some Sprite and is still sleeping yet today.

We are hopeful that we will be heading tomorrrow.

Thanks again for your prayers!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Intra Arterial Chemo Treatment

Peyton had her first round of Intra Arterial Chemotherapy today.  The procedure went very well.  The doctor was able to find the femoral artery immediately and shortly after we received the news that they found the proper artery in the eye on the first try. 

Once in recovery Peyton was her normal happy self most of the day and didn't not have a hard time laying still for the 6 hours.  We are back in the Ronald McDonald House tonight, and she has been asleep most of the evening. We will know more about the success of the treatment in two weeks.

We are still in need of prayers that the veins in her eye will return to the normal pressure, that the chemo treatment is successful in reducing the tumor, and that Peyton recovers with some vision. 

Thanks for prayers.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Today, Peyton had her examination under anesthesia.  Dr. Shields was optimistic about the finding.  The veins in the eye still seem to be relatively healthy and the tumor is isolated to the eyeball only.  After reviewing the findings with Dr. Shields, we had two options for treatment for Peyton's retinoblastoma, 1) remove the eye or 2) Arterial Chemotherapy.  We have opted to start Chemo.  That option will give her a chance of saving the eye and possibly some vision. 
Peyton will get her first round of Chemo tomorrow at Jefferson Neuroscience Hospital.  This is basically an out patient procedure and she will be released tomorrow evening.  We should know quickly whether the tumor is responding to the Chemo.

Peyton is holding up as best as she can.  This is very tough on her but she is trying very hard to be the happy go lucky girl we all know and love.

Thanks again for all your prayers and support.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Wills Eye Institute

We were seen today by Dr. Carol Shields at Wills Eye Institute.  Peyton has been diagnosed with Group E retinoblastoma on the International classification.  We are going back to Wills Eye Institute tomorrow for an examination under anesthesia.  We will be making decisions about treatment tomorrow.

Peyton has been an absolute trooper through this whole experience.  She did not need the any instruments to hold her eye open this morning.  We have been truly amazed by her attitude and willingness to please the doctors.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.


Sunday, September 19, 2010


We finally made it to Philly.  We are heading to Wills Eye Institute tomorrow for the initial check up.  It sounds like it might be quite a process (6 to 8 hours).  We will update tomorrow sometime hopefully.  Thank you all for your prayer and support.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Heading Out

We are on our way to Philadelphia to visit a specialist at Wills Eye Institute.  We will keep you posted on the progress.