It has been four months since Peyton had her eye remove and almost 2 months since the prosthetic. She seems to be doing great and hasn't really missed a beat. She recently had a small accident on the playground that put me in total panic, but all kids get a black eye sometime or another. I find myself asking "Is this something I would react to (over react), if she did not have a special eye." And the answer is always, "But she does!" One day I know that all the bumps and bruise of childhood will pass. I sure hope my heart can handle it.
Peyton is about to finish kindergarten. She has learned so much this year. It seems like math and science are her favorite subjects. Should have guessed that with all the time she spends with Grandma EE (Letha) :).
We just attended Peyton's spring musical. She got to do a special dance to one of the songs. I can't believe how grown up she looks. My baby is definitely not a baby anymore. There are 8 days of school left then I will officially be the Mom of a First grader. In 16 days, Little Miss P turns 6! Wow!
It seems as though the summer is already packed full of fun adventures. Peyton will be attending Camp Asbury at the church. Make a Wish has granted her wish and we will be heading to Disney in June. She can not wait. I still don't know why but she is obessed with Snow White. We also need to head back to Denver sometime in June to have the prostethic looked at for size and shape. Rich and I both think that a little tweeking is in order. We see Dr. Shields in August right before school starts. Dr. Shields seems to think that Peyton is ready for office visits. I am a little nervous, but she is the expert.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. In those dark moments, it is an awesome feeling knowing that so many people are pulling for Peyton. You all have been a wonderful support group, great prayer warriors, and the loudest Cheerleaders.
I promise to be better about writing in this blog. I want Peyton to have a log of her journey through cancer.
Oh, one more thing. Peyton has an amzing sense of humor about all of this. "I saw it with my own eyes, well this one anyway." about something she just had to have at the store. It is hard to be down in the dumps when Peyt creates humor in every situation.
With Love,