
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Back to School!

Peyton has returned to school this week and is sooo excited about it!  School is the one thing that seems "normal" to her right now.  When I dropped her off on Monday, she was mobbed by a group of 3 and 4 year olds and all of the staff.  It was so uplifting that it actually brought tears to my eyes. 

Peyton will have more blood work done on Friday just to make sure her counts are staying at a safe level.  Then, nothing else going on until her examination under anesthesia on the 21st (in Wichita).  After that, hopefully all is well until her next examination in Philadelphia on Feb. 16. 

We are still praying hard that Peyton's retina will re-attach itself.  We REALLY want our little girl to have sight in both eyes! 

Thank you all again for the continued support.  Hope you all have a fantastic holiday!

Richard Adams

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful to hear how Peyton's classmates welcomed her back. She is a special little girl!
