
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Recovery Process

Today was a decent day overall.  Peyton still has some swelling in her eye and sometimes complains of it hurting.  Her medications seem to help some, and we have been trying to ice it down.  She is starting to get used to wearing her glasses, but this seems like it could become quite the process.  Grandma and Grandpa came over to spend some time with her today, and she was very happy to see them!  No word yet from Wills Eye Institute on her next appointments.

Mom and Dad went back to work today and it was extremely hard for both of us.  Neither of us want to leave her for any length of time at all.

Also, we have set up a fund at Cessna Employees Credit Union in Wichita, KS, under the name of Peyton Adams.  Thank you all for your continued support!


  1. She will be much better, before the next treatment..will she be getting bloodwork done soon? To see how her blood counts are...I was very fortunate, that I was a stay at home Mom and got to be here for Charles when he was going through his treatments...his lasted for 2 years...a treatment about every 2 weeks plus radiation...We had prayers from all over, and we believe in those prayers, because he only had a 50/50 chance of surviving it and he did...because of the prayers, the gift of knowledge the Dr's was blessed believe...we love you guys and are keeping you in our prayers..

  2. Yes, she did have some bloodwork done and now has the O.K. to return to school next week. She is getting some additional bloodwork done on Thurs. Thanks for everything, and we will keep you posted.
