
Monday, September 17, 2012

2 years from diagnosis

It has officially been two years since we first heard the term Retinoblastoma.  We have had many high points and many low points.  Moments when we thought we could not find the strength.  But i as I sit here writing this today,  I can hear Peyton and her Daddy talking and laughing as they lay in bed suppose to sleeping.  I am reminded what Cancer did not take from us.  Peyton's laughter, wit, and mischievous smile. 

We often reminder dates that have bad memories.  September 14th - diagnosis date.  September 20th - First appointment with Dr. Shields - hearing stage D cancer.  September 21 - First EUA September 22nd - first chemo treat.  February 10, 2012 - Removal of her eye.  But her journey has been filled with so many great dates as well.  November 19th - last day of Chemo,  February 15, 2011 - no visible signs off cancer.  May 14, 2011 - Genetic testing - cell mutation isolated to eye.  and on and on for a year nothing but good news.  Great news.  Even after the February 10, 2012 nothing but great news.  The pathology report cancer was dead no cancer cells.  Life is filled with great dates.  Ordinary days that are blessings for each of us. 

Anyway,  back to where I was going with all of this.  We found yourselves sitting in Dr. Varenhorst's office today.  Peyton eye was having tons of discharge.  The socket just did not look quiet right.  Hoping for an infection but secretly fearing the worst.  Feeling once again all the emotions we felt two years ago.  Praying for the worst diagnosis to be an infection (I know right). 

The good news is that it is just an infection.  She can not wear her prosthetic for two days and we have to do eye dropes 4 times a day.  Other than that, Life goes on.  One day at a time. 

Also, some good news to share.  Phily trips are now yearly with folow up in Wichita in 6 months.  YEAH!

Thanks to all who have prayed for Peyton and those who have seen us all through the dark times.

Angela Adams

Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to Philly

Peyton, Rich and I made our way to Philly again today.  This is a fast trip for us.  We flew out at 6:30 am today and will fly home tomorrow at 6:30 pm. 

Peyton will be seeing Dr. Shields tomorrow for her first office visit with Dr. Shields.  Rich and I are a bit nervous about the office visit process.  We had hard some horror stories about being at the office all day and not getting to see Dr. Shields.  We are praying that this is not the case tomorrow.  Since we plan to be back at work and school on Wednesday. 

So here is a brief recap of what seems to be the shortest summer ever. 

Peyton had her wish granted from Make A Wish in June.  We had so much fun on our 6 day break from reality.  The highlight of Peyton's trip was getting to meet Snow White. 

She also love Animal Kingdom and had already decided that a trip back is a must.  I think, however, that going to Disney as a wish child has created a monster. 

We got in Philly early this afternoon and decided that we would try to take in some of the history of the city for the first time ever.  Even though we have been here 12 times. 

Peyton saw the line for the Liberty Bell and said "Let's just cut.  I'm cute.  They will let me"  Well, since that wasn't going to happen.  Peyton decided that the Liberty Bell was not worth waiting in line to see.  So maybe next time.

We were able to make a stop to see one of Peyton favorite recovery nurses at Jefferson Hospital where she had her chemo surgery.  Nurse Rich stole his way into Peyton's heart and Peyton did the same to him.  We were able to share memories about Nurse Rich sneaking Peyton sprite even though it was not on the dietary menu.  He also show us a picture he carries in his cell phone of Peyt on her last visit for chemo.  It made me cry like many of the nurses and people we have met along the way make me do.  We have been truly blessed to meet such wonderful people who also care so deeply for Peyt.  We took this picture today so Nurse Rich had a picture of the cancer free Peyton.

Peyton has already attended three days at her new school and seems to be loving it.  It is quite a bit more structured than her last school, but I think it is just what she needs. 

I think that about wraps it up.

Please continue to pray for Peyton.  Although she is not going under anesthesia tomorrow, we need her to be a good listener and helper for Dr. Shields and her team.

We will post more when we have some news.

With love,

Angie, Rich and Peyton

Friday, May 11, 2012

The New Chapter

Okay, So I know, I am the world's worst blogger.  I was hoping to write more ofte especially for Peyton, but Life just keeps getting in the way.

It has been four months since Peyton had her eye remove and almost 2 months since the prosthetic.  She seems to be doing great and hasn't really missed a beat.  She recently had a small accident on the playground that put me in total panic, but all kids get a black eye sometime or another.  I find myself asking "Is this something I would react to (over react), if she did not have a special eye."  And the answer is always, "But she does!"  One day I know that all the bumps and bruise of childhood will pass.  I sure hope my heart can handle it.

Peyton is about to finish kindergarten.  She has learned so much this year.  It seems like math and science are her favorite subjects.  Should have guessed that with all the time she spends with Grandma EE (Letha)  :). 

We just attended Peyton's spring musical.  She got to do a special dance to one of the songs.  I can't believe how grown up she looks.  My baby is definitely not a baby anymore.  There are 8 days of school left then I will officially be the Mom of a First grader.  In 16 days, Little Miss P turns 6!  Wow!

It seems as though the summer is already packed full of fun adventures.  Peyton will be attending Camp Asbury at the church.  Make a Wish has granted her wish and we will be heading to Disney in June.  She can not wait.  I still don't know why but she is obessed with Snow White.  We also need to head back to Denver sometime in June to have the prostethic looked at for size and shape.  Rich and I both think that a little tweeking is in order.  We see Dr. Shields in August right before school starts.  Dr. Shields seems to think that Peyton is ready for office visits.  I am a little nervous, but she is the expert. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.  In those dark moments, it is an awesome feeling knowing that so many people are pulling for Peyton.  You all have been a wonderful support group, great prayer warriors, and the loudest Cheerleaders.

I promise to be better about writing in this blog.  I want Peyton to have a log of her journey through cancer. 

Oh, one more thing.  Peyton has an amzing sense of humor about all of this.  "I saw it with my own eyes, well this one anyway."  about something she just had to have at the store.  It is hard to be down in the dumps when Peyt creates humor in every situation. 

With Love,


Friday, March 2, 2012

Great News to Share!!! Flying High

Peyton got some great news this week.  The pathology report came back on her eye and there are no active cancer cells.  YIPEE!  Peyton is officially CANCER FREE!

Also, Dr. Shields office called and Peyton no longer has to do EUA's.  She will be doing an office visit with Dr. Shields in August.  No more anesthesia.  WOOHOO!!

Peyton's Grandma and Grandpa Warran wrote a song for little Miss P.  It is called Rosie.  That is Grandpa's nickname for her.  The lyrics were written by Joyce Warren and the song was composed and sung by Richard Warran.  Grandma Joyce put the the pictures and song together so I could share it all with you.

Here it is:  I Call Her Rosie

I hope you all enjoy.

Having a great week,

Angie, Rich and Peyton

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Update on Peyton

Peyton is doing great.  Everything with her eye seems to be fine.  No complaints from her so all is good.  We are stilll waiting on the pathology report and are hopeful to hear some news early next week.

Peyton will be going back to school on Monday.  We are going to bling out some patches for her to wear while she is at school.

Peyton will see Dr. Varenhorst on March 16th to see if  everything has healed correctly.  Then on March 19th we will head to Denver for Peyton's appointment with Walter Johnson, the Ocularist, at Denver Optic.  We have seen first hand the amazing work he does and wanted to make sure that we sent Peyton to the very best.  If you are interest the about the process, his website is

I will try to be better about updating everyone on the good news, not just the bad.  I have hoped one day of turning this blog into "Funny things my Kid says".  She is full of great material.  I need to start writing them down, so I can share all of her wisdom with the world.

Thanks for all your prayers and support throughout all of this.  We couldn't make it without all of you.

With Love,


Friday, February 10, 2012

Peyton made it

Peyton's surgery went great.  Dr. Shields said the tissue and socket looked great.  It is a 6 week recovery.  Then we meet with Dr. Varenhorst at home and find a ocularist to paint Peyton a beautiful new eye.

As I type this, Peyton is sleeping off the Morphine.  Every once in a while she pops up with a witty remark about a conversation Grandma and I are having.    This girl never misses a beat.

We are headed home tomorrow on the 6 am flight.  We should be home in time to have lunch in Wichita. 

I am in a much more settled state.  I can now say the Peyton is truly CANCER FREE!  I know that in the coming days there made be some very hard questions.  I may have some of my own, but I am in a peaceful place.  I can tell Peyton that we all fought for her beautiful eye, but God has a bigger plan for her.

Please continue your prayers for sweet little P.  She is braver and wiser than any 5 year should ever have to be, but all of your thoughts and prayers will continue to guide her.

Love to all of my great prayer warriors.  I could not have done this without all of you.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Peyton is Amazing

So I finally found the words.  I told Peyton that she was going to have surgery tomorrow and that she would wake up with a big patch over her left eye.  She asked just to make sure that is wasn't going to be on the eye she could she out of.  Once I reassured her that is was the other eye that she couldn't see out of everything was great.  She asked if she would have to go to school with the patch.  I told her that we would be out of school for a while, but we could go talk to her class. 

Basically, the conversation ended with "after surgery can I have whatever I want to eat?" 

Everyone said this would be harder on us.  Guess that is the truth.

Relieved for a minute in Philly.


How do you say it

We spent the day doing Peyton things.  The hotel has an indoor pool so we swam a little.  She also wanted to get outside and explore Philly.  We walked to Washington Park where the tomb of the unknown soldier is laid.  Thought we would make the extra few blocks to the Liberty Bell, but Peyton was done with all the walking. 

We made it to one of her favorite eating places, Cosi.  She downed a banana parfait, a banana, and fruit cup.  Tried to get a peanut butter and jelly in her, but no luck.  Maybe tonight there will be another swimming session.  Who knows.  It is Peyton's day. 

As I sit here in the hotel.  My thoughts keep drifting to how in the world I will ever find the words to explain to Peyton what is happening tomorrow.  She knows that she is having surgery again tomorrow, but HOW do I tell her.

I sit here and mourn her beautiful blue eye.  The ONE I gave her.  The special Gilllaspie Blue that changes the color of blue based on what color she is wearing.  I know in my heart that this means that CANCER is completely gone.  Her journey to recovery will be smoother.  All the trips to Philly will come less often.  But her beautiful Blue Gillaspie eye. 

What are the words?  How do I ever begin to explain?  I know that God will give me the strenght.  He will give me the words.  I just keep thinking How can I be the strong one?  She needs me more than ever to be. 

The words that have not come yet without tears. 

Peyton's Surgery is scheduled for 10:15 tomorrow.  It should take a little over an hour.  I will keep the blog updated as time allows. 

Please continue to pray for my sweet angel.  Her new story is just beginning.

With a worry heart and a racing mind,


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We Lost the War

Today's visit brought some very unexpected news.  Peyton has developed a cataract in her left eye (the bad eye) which makes it hard to see if there is any tumor regrowth.  Dr. Shields explained that since the Peyton since Peyton had no vision in the eye the risk of removing the cataract was greater than the reward. 

We had the very difficult decision made for us.  Dr.  Shields said the only option was to remove the eye.  Peyton has been scheduled for the enucleation on Friday here in Philly with Dr. Shields.

Please pray for Peyton.  Please pray that she understands why all of this is happening.  Please pray for Rich and I.  We will be needing all the strength we can get through this time.  Explaining all of this will be one of the toughest things we will ever have to do.

Bummed out in Philly,

Ang, Peyton and Grandma EE

And the waiting begins or continues

Here we sit at Will's Eye, waiting.  Peyton's appointment was scheduled at 11:45.  It is 12:30 here and we are still waiting.  I guess I should be happy that the "I'm hungries!" haven't started.

We met a family from Kentucky that has been battling RB since their daughter was 5 months old.  She is now 3 and in her second round of IAC.  They waited for almost 2 hours past their appointment time to be called back.  YUCK!!!!!

As I hear their story and the story of many others facing the long road that is RB.  I have to stop and remember to count my blessings.  We have been blesses to date that only one eye has been affected.  We have been blessed to date with no relapse. 

So we sit here and wait.  Sit and hope.  Hope for continued good news for all the family affected by the terrible cancer.

Just waiting,


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Back in Philly

We made it with no delays.  This may be a first.  

Peyton's appointment is at 11:45 am tomorrow.  I am hopefully that we can get her to sleep in and not have to fight the hungries in the morning.  Here is to hoping anyway.

All Peyton wants to do is going swimming.  That will probably be a Thursday event.

So glad to have made it here and praying for a good report tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who is praying for us in this journey.  We couldn't do it without you.


Headed to Philly

So it has been forever since we have updated all of you.  It seems like life gets busier by the second. 

Peyton and I are headed back to Philly for her checkup.  I will keep you all posted on the results.

Please prayer for my sweet little girl. 

Thanks a bunch,
